Welfare Schemes Welfare Grants



The Armed Forces personnel, by virtue of their work style, are physically fit.Even after their retirement, most of them continue to be engaged in physically challenging activities/work. Some of them unfortunately become handicapped due to accident etc after their retirement and need mobility equipment such as modified scooter, crutches and wheel chair to carry on with their life. To procure mobility requirements, the KSB provides financial assistance to disabled ESM from AFFDF.


The aim of this aid gratis is to provide financial assistance for procurement of modified scooter for those ESM, who are disabled after their retirement from service with disability of 50% or more.

Financial Assistance

Out of AFFDF is provided upto a maximum of Rs. 1 lakh per ESM wef 01 Apr 2022, who are disabled after their service with disability of 50% or more.

Eligibility Conditions

The following criteria must be fulfilled:-

  • (a) Applicant must be ESM disabled after retirement from the service with disability of 50% or more, and not covered under similar scheme of the Army/Navy/Air Force.
  • (b) Should be recommended by respective Zila Sainik Board (ZSB).
  • (c) Should be capable of personally utilizing the mobility equipment so provided.
  • (d) Additional eligibility conditions w.e.f 01 Apr 2022 are as follows:-
    • (i) The applicant would be required to forward through registered post a post dated cheque of the said amount, duly signed, with a certificate by the ESM stating that "In case I fail to submit the documents and registration of the mobility equipment, cheque no ............... dt ......... may be deposited in the AFFDF account." immediately after the approval of his case for mobility equipment, on the basis of which the amount will be credited to his account for purchasing mobility equipment. Further to this the ESM has to follow the previous procedure of submitting the following documents:-
      • (aa)  A photocopy of Vehicle Registration Certificate of the new scooter purchased by the ESM.
      • (ab)  A photocopy of the Dealer's cash receipt.
      • (ac)  Photograph of scooter with ESM and the independent witness with their names, address and signatures. Registered number of scooter should be seen in the photograph along with the ESM and the independent witness.
    • (ii)  On receipt of the above mentioned documents, the post dated cheque forwarded by the ESM will be destroyed by this Sectt. On failing to submit above mentioned documents, the same cheque will be deposited in the AFFDF account.


Application should be made on the prescribed application format withre commendation of concerned Zila Sainik Welfare Officer (ZSWO) on it. A specimen application form is placed Annexure 1. Copies of the following documents duly attested by concern ZSWO must accompany the application:-

  • (a) Complete Discharge Book/Document/Certificate.
  • (b) ESM Identity Card.
  • (c) Documentary evidence showing nature of activity in which disabled.
  • (d) Disability Certificate issued by Armed Forces Medical Authority, indicating nature of disability and recommended procurement of mobility equipment.
  • (e) Financial estimate for modified scooter from an authorized dealer indicating type,make and specifications of the mobility equipment.
  • (f) Details of Bank A/c No (in PNB/SBI only) and IFS Code.

Life of Mobility Equipment

Life of Mobility Equipment has been fixed as 10 years from the date of purchase. The beneficiary can re-apply for a new mobility equipment after the lapse of 10 years from the date of purchase of the previous equipment

Channel of Application

The application must be submitted by an eligible ESM at the respective ZSB. ZSWO will scrutinize the application and if found correct in all respects, will forward it directly to KSB Sectt for payment.

Processing at KSB Sectt.

On receipt at KSB Sectt, the Welfare Section-in-Charge will assign the application to a particular clerk who will enter desired data from the applications in to computer. Another clerk will be designated to check correctness of the entries. The Section-in-Charge will verify the same and put up the case in relevant file for processing to JD(Welfare) who will obtain approval of Secretary, KSB.

Payment Procedure

After approval at KSB, the application will be processed for payment. Complete payment of RS 1 Lakh will be made in advance by KSB to the beneficiary ESM.

Acknowledgement of Payment

On receipt of payment, the beneficiary ESM is required to acknowledge the payment within 60 days from the receipt of the advance.

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