Priority for Grant of Scholarship
Category 1 -
Wards / Widows of ESM/ Ex-Coast Guard personnel
killed in action.
Category 2 -
Wards / Widows of ESM/ Ex-Coast Guard personnel
disabled in action and boarded out of service with disability attributable to Military/ Coast Guard service.
Category 3 -
Wards / Widows of ESM/ Ex-Coast Guard personnel
who died while in service for causes attributable to Military / Coast Guard Service.
Category 4 -
Wards / Widows of ESM/ Ex-Coast Guard personnel
disabled in service with disability attributable to Military/ Coast Guard Service.
Category 5 -
Wards / Widows of ESM/ Ex-Coast Guard personnel in receipt of
gallantry awards.
Category 6 -
Wards / Widows of ESM/ Ex-Coast Guard personnel
(PBOR Only).